Balboa on a Sunday Afternoon
Next BoaSA:
Boston Balboa CANCELLED all events through 2020-2021. We have continued to monitor the COVID-19 situation will keep everyone informed if there are additional cancellations.
For the NOW TIMES, go here.
We host a Balboa practice session on Sunday afternoons once a month. Balboa on a Sunday Afternoon is exactly what it says it is — an opportunity to dance Balboa on a Sunday afternoon. It’s set up primarily as an opportunity to practice your Balboa with like-minded people. All levels are welcome, from complete newbie to seasoned master.
We plan to set up new opportunities outside of BoaSA for social dancing — which, in itself, is also a great form of practice!
Have something in particular that you’d like to work on? Let us know! Have something interesting you’ve learned recently or been playing with? Come and share!
Practice will start with 15 minutes of warm-up social dancing, then we’ll do an organized drill. Practice on your own or in groups for the rest of the hour, then we’ll wind down with 15 minutes of social dancing to integrate the stuff you’ve been working on. We’ll have a practice theme each month, or bring your own material. People have been really into working on stuff in informal, independent groups lately, which is both super-fun and highly beneficial to everyone’s dancing!
When: generally 1st Sundays (monthly) in late afternoons, specific times TBA
Where: The Dance Complex
What: Balboa practice
Suggested donation: $3-5