Just wanted to leave these here in case you missed them…
Just wanted to leave these here in case you missed them…
Peter Flahiff left Boston two days ago, but his impact on our scene and our dancing will keep rippling through. It was an absolute pleasure to watch everyone working on their dancing, rediscovering their joy in swing music, and best of all, welcoming the newest students finding their way to Lindy Hop. Thanks for everything, Peter.
Once I get about 17 straight hours of sleep, I’m going to work on my tap shim-sham. And then my Balboa posture. How about y’all?
This past Saturday, in addition to awesome dancing to Javi & Mike’s music, this happened:
This has been one hell of a weekend, and all of you made it happen!
TinkerBal 2014 sold out within 24 hours, and our heads are still spinning! Lots of people who didn’t get to register are planning to come to Boston anyway for all the social dancing (and maybe a private lesson before or after the weekend), so we hope to see ALL of you in Boston October 3-5!
And capping a spectacular day was our first Saturday Night Shuffle — which was completely awesome! We had so much fun dancing with and without stuffed lobsters on our heads, and we can’t wait to see even more of you at our next Saturday Night Shuffle (tentatively planned for August 16, stay tuned for details)!
Our hearts are full of Balboa-love, and we appreciate every one of you for coming out, for dancing, for learning, for loving this dance too, and for bringing your energy and joy to the scene.
Wow! Lots of new people came out for our Intro to Balboa series tonight, which is awesome! Lots of them were leaders, so if you’re a follower, we’d love to have you join us for the last 3 classes. (We’re serious — we’ll get you up to speed on what you missed this week.)
So that was super-fun, and we got to talking about some of the amazing dancers who came before us…which got me fired up to find a few old clips we were chatting about and post ’em here.
I can’t find any decent old footage of Marty Lau dancing anymore, but here’s
The master of the floaty style was Willie Desatoff. Dig this clip of Willie Desatoff dancing with Ann Mills. Love those hovercraft feet! (Bonus of Hal & Marge Takier in the same clip!)