Who’s that? Why that’s David Rehm and Heather Ballew who happen to be teaching in Boston in October at TinkerBal!
Holy crap, lots going on!
Classes: In August, we’re offering TWO Balboa class series, because y’all just can’t get enough! Jason Swihart & Shana Worel will teach on Thursdays at the Whistle Stop, offering a beginner series followed by an intermediate series. Registration is NOW OPEN!
Because they (like we) are big fans of always revisiting fundamentals, there is a 50% discount available on the beginner class for anyone who has taken a beginner-Balboa series from Boston Balboa or from NSS. If you took one of our beginner classes in the past or the Balboa for Lindy Hoppers NSS class in July, you qualify for the 50% discount on the beginner class. We hope to see lots of you taking both classes in August, because there’s lots more Balboa coming up this fall! Bring your friends!
BoaSA & Speakeasy: We hope everyone will come out to Balboa on a Sunday Afternoon on Sunday, August 3, to practice all the stuff we learned! And join us at Speakeasy immediately afterward at the Tavern at the End of the World for drinks, food, and dancing! (Sadly, we know lots of you will be at the rescheduled Lawn Party instead – have fun!)
Social dancing: PLUS: the next Saturday Night Shuffle will be August 16 at the Dilboy VFW in Davis Square – cash bar! awesome DJ music! social dancing!
Also coming soon — more classes in September at Dance Complex! And in October/November, Peter Flahiff will be in residence here in Boston! Peter is an internationally-renowned social dancer, performer, and teacher of Balboa and Lindy Hop, and we are thrilled to collaborate with New School Swing in bringing him to Boston and the New England region this fall! And let’s not forget TinkerBal — the workshops may be sold out but there will be some awesome social dancing to be had! Mark your calendars!
Hope to see you soon, dancing Bal!