We’re kicking off the first Boston Balboa practice/dance at Boston Swing Central’s Crosby Whistle Stop Sunday afternoon, July 25th. We’ll use the first hour as a semi-guided practice — bring that cool move you just learned at a workshop or just come and work on your fundamentals. After that — 2 hours of DJ’d music for dancing Balboa. All this for just three bucks.
Come chill out and dance some cool, smooth balboa at the air-conditioned Crosby Whistle Stop!
24 Roland Street
Charlestown, MA
When: Sunday, July 25, 2010
Semi-guided practice: 4pm-5pm
Open dancing: 5pm-7pm
Admission: $3 (THREE BUCKS!)
BTW — we’re also thinking about checking out the Tavern At the End of the World around the corner on Cambridge St — stick around afterwards and join us!
(Also, if you’re interested in volunteering for 30-60 minutes or DJing a set, drop me a line at stany@bostonbalboa.org)